The ATI General Assembly will be held in a hybrid format in Lusaka (Zambia) on 20-22 June 2023. Under the headline Stepping up financing for sustainable development, the three-day event will bring together representatives of the 71 ATI members providing space for high-level political discussions and technical exchanges that are particularly relevant to ATI partner countries.
Due to the socioeconomic impacts of the pandemic, geopolitical conflicts and the climate crisis, 2022 has been another challenging year for advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 2023 ATI General Assembly will provide a platform for members to reflect on progress and challenges towards domestic revenue mobilisation (DRM). It will focus on the commitments of the ATI Declaration 2025 and build momentum for ATI’s contribution to financing the SDGs by enhancing domestic revenue mobilisation.
The 2023 ATI General Assembly is organised and conceptualised by the International Tax Compact (ITC) in its role as the ATI Secretariat and in close cooperation with the ATI Steering Committee. Please find more information in the programme.
The Addis Tax Initiative (ATI) aims at promoting fair and effective domestic revenue mobilisation, policy coherence, and the social contract through partnerships and knowledge building.