ATI Matchmaking

What is it?

ATI Matchmaking Platform is an online platform that aims to support domestic revenue mobilisation (DRM) collaboration between the ATI members by enabling countries and organisations to search out and contact each other based on the need for support or the availability of relevant expertise. 

How does it work?

ATI members are invited by the Secretariat of the ATI to log into an exclusive area of the ATI website, where they can upload and view other members’ requests for support of available expertise announcements. More precisely, ATI partner countries are able to post requests for DRM support, whereby development partners can inform others about available expertise related to DRM. Supporting organisations are able both to post requests for support and to announce available expertise.

The “Request for support” and “Available expertise” forms are the basis for the online platform. They provide simple and concise guidelines for the ATI members to outline their specific requests or offers. When an ATI member sees a request for support or an announcement of available expertise that they wish to engage with, they can contact the author of the respective post to act on an advertised request/announcement.

In this way, the ATI Matchmaking Platform facilitates increased contact between members and provides a space for matching the needs and availabities of DRM resources, expertise and finance. Requested and announced assistance can cover technical assistance, expert support, study visits, training and financial assistance.

For more information on the ATI Matchmaking Platform, please refer to our FAQs or the ATI Matchmaking User Guide or contact