European Commission highlights the importance of renewing the commitment to the ATI post-2020 In a new video about the launch of Finland’s Taxation for Development action programme 2020-2023, Commissioner Urpilainen emphasises the importance of renewing the commitment...
ATI/ITC Tax and Development Conference brought together more than 150 stakeholders working in the field of tax and development For the second time since the launch of the Addis Tax Initative (ATI) in 2015, the ATI/ITC Tax and Development Conference succesfully took place in Berlin, Germany.
Meeting of the ATI Consultative Groups ATI Consultative Groups meet to develop concrete deliverables to support the fulfilment of the ATI commitments
Title The Good Governance Fund -… Year 2022 Donor United Kingdom Recipient Europe, regional Disbursement USD 90.27
Title The Good Governance Fund -… Year 2022 Donor United Kingdom Recipient Europe, regional Disbursement USD 5.19