ATI Discussion Paper on Country Ownership in Technical Assistance for Domestic Revenue Mobilisation (DRM)

juillet 2023

It is widely acknowledged that development partnerships are most effective if they are led by partner countries, with development partners tailoring their support to the recipient country’s needs and priorities. This is clearly essential for domestic revenue mobilisation (DRM), where reforms are politically challenging and need strong national leadership. In this context, the ATI Consultative Group 2 called for a framework for country owned technical assistance (TA) for DRM to support countries to strengthen the link between development partner’s support and partner countries’ development agendas. Furthermore, members highlighted the relevance of identifying and disseminating case studies where DRM cooperation is well coordinated among providers of TA and local actors as well as embedded in partner countries’ strategies.

Both, the framework and the collection of case studies from Ghana, Nepal and the Philippines shall foster peer-learning and evidence-based discussions allowing ATI members to enhance country ownership when designing and implementing TA for DRM.