Webinar on the role of property tax reforms for localising the SDGs
The Addis Tax Initiative (ATI) has teamed up with the Development Partners Network on Decentralisation & Local Governance (DeLoG) and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) are hosting the next webinar of the series on the role of subnational domestic revenue mobilisation (DRM) for public service delivery.
The benefits of DRM reforms at the subnational level as a means to advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development are increasingly gaining the attention of the international development cooperation community. This is also reflected in the ATI Declaration 2025, in which members agree to strengthen development cooperation on tax and revenue matters in an inclusive, participatory and meaningful manner at subnational, national, regional and international levels. One of the channels considered most impactful by policy makers and researchers alike is property taxation.
Property taxes are key to unlock the revenue-raising potential of local governments. This webinar will therefore enable participants to dive deeper into and have a frank discussion about the opportunities and challenges brought by property tax reforms, and how they can help improve the fiscal space of local governments while combating inequalities. This session builds on a first webinar that took place in April 2021 to raise awareness for the potential of subnational DRM reforms for improving development finance, supporting state-building efforts and strengthening local governance in partner countries. It will contribute to the overall goal of bringing the local governance and tax communities closer together to enhance equitable and efficient DRM at the subnational level.
In case of questions, please contact secretariat@taxcompact.net or info@delog.org.