Webinar on diagnostic tools
Efforts to enhance domestic revenue mobilisation (DRM) have encouraged ATI members, international organisations and development partners to develop a wide-ranging of assessment tools and diagnostic frameworks to assess and support tax administrations and tax system reforms. Whereas performance measurement is a critical component of DRM, coordinating the development of tools and frameworks is also important to avoid duplications and increased compliance burden for revenue administrations in partner countries.
Against this background, the Norwegian Agency for Development and Cooperation (NORAD) took the initiative to develop a systematic mapping of tools and frameworks to support DRM technical assistance in developing countries.
On 2 June 2021, from 14:00h - 15:00h (CEST), ATI Consultative Group 2 will present a webinar with the main objectives to take stock one year after the NORAD study was published, identify existing challenges and discuss how the ATI can overcome these challenges.
- 14:00h - 14:00h - Welcome and introduction
- 14:05h - 14:20h - Presentation of NORAD's study by the author, Frode Lindseth
- 14:20 - 14:30h - Reflections on the study by Sanjeev Gupta, Center for Global Development (CDG)
- 14:30h - 14:40h - Response from an international organisation by Justin Zake, IMF / TADAT Secretariat
- 14:40h - 15:00h - Open discussion and Q&A