Presentation of the Fair Tax Monitor and its role in advocating tax reforms in Zambia
The promotion of governmental practices and tax policies aimed at increasing domestic revenue mobilisation (DRM) should be based on the careful assessment of the distributive effects of taxation on society, so that the augmenting revenues can be translated into better public services, efficient spending and less socioeconomic inequality. Independent and comprehensible assessment of how tax policies and governmental fiscal practices contribute to or reduce socioeconomic inequalities is valuable not only to evidence-based decision-making, but also provides a powerful tool for accountability stakeholders to strengthen their advocacy role.
One approach to assess the fairness of tax systems is the Fair Tax Monitor, a tool jointly developed by Oxfam and Tax Justice Network Africa whose overarching goal is to strengthen advocacy activities promoting fairer and more progressive fiscal policies and tax systems. The tool assesses the national tax systems of selected countries by identifying their main challenges, and provides evidence useful for the advocacy work of accountability stakeholders.
On behalf of ATI Consultative Group 1, the ATI Secretariat cordially invites you to participate in the upcoming coffee break where the Fair Tax Monitor will be showcased The event will also provide practical insights derived from the experiences applying the Fair Tax Monitor in Zambia. The coffee break will take place on December 9 at 14:00 (UTC+1) on the platform Microsoft Teams.
If you would like to attend, kindly contact secretariat@taxcompact.net.
For more information about the event and the results of the discussion, read the corresponding news article.