ATI Webinar on Enhancing Tax Accountability through Citizen Participation and Education
With less than a decade remaining to realise the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), strengthening domestic revenue mobilisation (DRM) as a reliable source of finance has gained importance, and effective tax systems are the central component of governments’ DRM strategies. Strong bonds between tax policy makers / administrations and citizens are central to building tax systems capable of mobilising the resources needed to achieve the SDGs and ensuring that their policies represent the popular will of citizens.
The webinar's aim is to highlight the importance of integrating accountability into taxpayer education, and the benefits of citizen participation in tax policy and administration. It will locate the discussion around the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) 2021 report “Building Tax Culture, Compliance and Citizenship: A Global Source Book on Taxpayer Education” and Save the Children’s 2019 report “Taxation with Representation: Citizens as Drivers of Accountable Tax Policy”. In the context of the main findings of the reports, the first part of the webinar will address the importance of incorporating accountability into taxpayer education and engagement. The second part will set the scene with two country case experiences to subsequently bring a panel discussion of representatives from ATI partner countries’ revenue administrations, a development partner, and a civil and social organisation to share experiences and views on the benefits and challenges of incorporating accountability into taxpayer education and citizen engagement.
This webinar particularly contributes to the implementation of the ATI Commitment 4 by enlarging the space and capacity of state and non-state actors in ATI partner countries to engage meaningfully in tax and revenue matters.
Please find further information and the detailed webinar agenda in the flyer. You can register for the event here.