Strengthening the performance of the Public Financial Management system through external audits
Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) have a crucial role to play in strengthening the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and ensuring that a country’s budget is on track. Checking and reporting on the legality and accuracy of public accounts, as well as the credibility of budgets, can be instrumental in governments delivering on their sustainable development promises and realizing the SDG targets. The importance of budget credibility is recognized in SDG indicator 16.6.1 and is relevant across all SDGs. Lack of credibility of the planning and budgeting processes can compromise the delivery of critical services necessary for attainment of the SDGs, and more broadly inhibit the transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies.
“Strengthening Budget Credibility through External Audits: An Auditor’s Handbook” – the output of a two-year collaboration between Supreme Audit Institutions, civil society, international organizations, and other public finance experts – explores different approaches to auditing budget credibility. Drawing on SAIs’ experience in different regions, the result is a practical overview of existing and potential audit work that can contribute to improving budget credibility.
This webinar series creates a platform where SAIs and other stakeholders can share knowledge and experiences on budget credibility, and discuss the strategies and practical ways in which the approaches illustrated in the handbook can be implemented and institutionalized.
For more information, please click here.