Le 2e groupe consultatif

Le 2e groupe consultatif de l'ATI est responsable de la mise en œuvre de l'engagement 2 de l'ATI :

Les partenaires de développement de l'ATI s'engagent collectivement à maintenir ou à dépasser le niveau cible mondial de 2020 (441,1 millions USD) de coopération en matière de gestion des risques de catastrophes pour les réformes fiscales prises en charge par les pays.

Le 2e groupe consultatif de l'ATI s'appuiera sur les travaux entrepris par le groupe qui l'a précédé, qui a fonctionné entre 2018 et 2020.


montrant 1 - 10 of 13

Meetings Consultative Group 2


déc 2023
Here you can find the minutes of the 7th meeting of ATI Consultative Group 2 held on 13 December 2023
juil 2023
Here you can find the minutes of the 6th meeting of ATI Consultative Group 2 held on 20 June 2023


oct 2022
Here you can find the minutes of the 5th meeting of ATI Consultative Group 2 held on 7 October 2022
mar 2022
Here you can find the minutes of the 4th meeting of ATI Consultative Group 2 held on 24 March 2022


nov 2021
Here you can find the minutes of the 3rd meeting of ATI Consultative Group 2 held on 4 November 2021
mai 2021
What is the ATI Matchmaking Platform and how can ATI members use it? Learn more about it in this factsheet.
mar 2021
Here you can find the minutes of the 2nd meeting of ATI Consultative Group 2 held on 25 March 2021


nov 2020
Here you can find the minutes for the first ATI Consultative Group 2 meeting that took place on 19 November 2020.


aoû 2019
The ATI Consultative Group 1 met on 1 July 2019 in Berlin, back-to-back to the ATI/ITC Tax and Development Conference 2019.
juil 2019
This study explores the need for donor coordination in the field of international support for domestic revenue mobilisation.


juin 2018
A meeting of the ATI Consultative Group 1 took place on 1 June 2018 in Stockholm, hosted by the Swedish Ministry of Finance.